Highland Park Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)

The Highland Park Special Education Parent Advisory Group’s mission is to work in partnership with the HPPS District to advise on system-level challenges in special education and related services, for the benefit of our Highland Park students, faculty and families.

SEPAG holds monthly meetings, on the second and third Thursdays of the month, throughout the school year with a focus on parent input and support. 

Join Us!

All parents, guardians, and family members of children with disabilities or possible disabilities are welcome to join our group. This includes:

We know that parenting a child with a disability and learning differences can be a lonely journey. Often times, families feel isolated and frustrated. SEPAG is here to make every effort to connect families with resources and education so that they may gain the knowledge and confidence needed to ensure their child’s highest level of achievement. Meetings are open to parents and community members.